My cool new Blog

Hello World! This is the most epic subtitle ever.

About Bilberry

Bilberry is a premium theme for the Hugo Static Website Builder.

It is full of little nice features, such as:

  • built-in integration for the wonderful algolia search
  • built-in integration for the powerful disqus comments
  • gravatar and custom image integration for the header
  • keyboard shortcut for the search (press the s key, type something and hit enter or esc)
  • responsive design - optimized for desktop and mobile devices
  • full internationalization (i18n) support (en, de, fr, ru, es out of the box!)
  • full multi-language support
  • custom post types (article, audio, code, gallery, link, page, picture, quote, video)
    • easy configuration to add more according to your needs

This Bilberry theme is inspired by the Lingonberry theme from Anders Norén

Further information at GitHub